Retail & Office Space Leasing Archives - DCG Development Co.

How do I know Albany, NY and the Capital Region is for my business?

Albany has a growing business sector with specialties in education, government, and technology. With their very own ‘Tech Valley,’ Albany has seen low unemployment rates throughout the recession and continues to grow. For more information, check out our Albany, NY page to read about specific companies in the area, as well as the various cultural and regional perks to locating one’s business in Albany, NY or the Capital Region.

How do I know renting office space is for me?

For more tips and info about commercial leasing, sign up here!

There comes a point where every independent business person must confront the option of renting or buying office space to accommodate their business. It can seem like a big step – because it is. Renting office space gives your business a physical location; it gives your business more personality and ultimately gives the business a more legitimate direction in the eyes of potential clients and customers. But jumping into the world of commercial property can be stressful and might not be for everyone. We’ve compiled a few reasons to rent office space based on our current clients and the business culture to help you figure it out. If any of these seem to fit you, please contact us or look over our listings to see if we have the right office space for you.

Reasons to Rent Office Space:

  1. Professional Meetings – Do you find yourself meeting with clients but not having a good place to meet them? This is a common problem for independent business owners. Professional meetings with clients can be a difficult thing if you are operating out of a home office. Home offices come with the added stress of maintaining a ‘professional’ home with its attendant cleaning, organization, and noise-levels.

  2. Office Space is a Home Away From Home – Having office space can lend itself to better stress management. If you have a home office, it can sometimes be impossible to get away from work (the desk is only a few feet away). By leasing an office, you free your home from the business world. And, you can leave work at work. Maintaining healthy boundaries can help you relax more when you are home and reduce overall stress.

  3. Networking – By leasing an office, you have the opportunity to work in a space with other businesses, such as a downtown area or business office center. This will give you a built in community of like-minded individuals to network with, collaborate, and attract new clients and connections.

  4. Growth and Stability – Renting an office is the next step towards growing your business. Leases are usually short-term and allow for your business to grow in size between lease periods. By leasing your office space, you can make sure that you will never be cramped – instead, you can upgrade to a new space when the time is right. Along with this, having a physical office location promises stability to your clients.

  5. Marketing Values -Having a physical address can help with many issues of marketing, especially internet marketing. By having office hours, a dedicated phone line, and office space, you open your business up more interaction with clients and colleagues.

We hope that his helps you out in deciding whether or not you are looking to lease an office space for your business. If you do, check out our available spaces for current listings and rates. DCG Development Co. would love to have you as a client and help give your business the added edge to succeed in today’s world. With commercial leasing and rentals throughout the Capital Region, including Albany, Malta, and Saratoga Springs

What should I look for in renting office space?

Now that you’ve decided to rent office space (and there are a lot of reasons to rent office space, you want to decide what you want from your office space. This will help you find the best place for your business to flourish. But the world of commercial real estate can be difficult to navigate – especially for those unfamiliar with the process or renting an office space for the first time. We want to offer some advice and things to consider as you look into our listings.
How Much Space do you Need?
It is important not to rent something larger than what you need. It could lead to spending valuable resources on empty, unused space. This may seem obvious, but as a start-up, this could be and difficult guess to make. Your business may grow – and grow exponentially, we hope! – leading to a need for more space. When thinking about this, be realistic. While you may hope that your business takes off, it might be better to be reserved in your estimate and then move to a larger space. The benefit of working with DCG Development Co. is that we will try to find a space for you in every step of your growth and development – that way, we can continue to build trust as you call our properties home.

Ask Questions of Many People
When looking through all the paperwork and confusing language, it is important to ask questions. The legalities and liabilities described within a lease are meant to be read and understood, though the legal jargon can sometimes get in the way. Make sure you know what you are agreeing to when you sign a lease and that you are clear on every point. It might take a bit of work – but it will pay off in the long run as you will better understand the terms and conditions of your rental. It might be worth it to seek legal aid in reviewing your lease before you sign.

Who Pays for Maintenance?
Many residential leases require the landlord to take care of maintenance of the property. Commercial leasing is different and maintenance responsibilities could be divided among the landlord and the tenant. This is the norm for commercial leases, but can often take new renters by surprise.

Location, Location, Location
Where do you want your business located? Think about what the needs of the business would be. How close to your favorite supply store? Your favorite lunch spot? Your home? Where you want to draw your employees from? All of these can help you determine the best spot for your new office. If you are unfamiliar with the area, ask us and we’ll let you know what is around.

Neighbors are Important
Ask your potential neighbors how they feel about the location and rental. They will be an invaluable resource in finding out information about the location. They can also help out with a lot of great information like mailbox drop-off times, traffic and weather conditions around the site, and give you a sense of the work environment.

Commercial Leasing is Hard – We Can Help

Here at DCG Development Co., we understand that this is a big step for you and your business. We want you to be as informed as possible so that you will feel comfortable and happy with your rental experience. Please call us with any questions you have @ (518) 371-RENT (7368). If you’re excited to rent your first office space for your business, look through our commercial real estate and office space listingsand contact us! We’d love to help you with your decision and find the perfect place for you.

Does DCG work with brokers?

At DCG Development Co., we pay up to 5% commission on the aggregate net rent paid during the initial term for any DCG Development Co. property, payable upon tenant opening for business and paying first month’s rent.